
Jean Hart Artwork : Inspiring walking t-shirt

Now that Spring is almost here.....and we are walking and hiking in solitaire places to keep are social distance, it's time to start training for our 5K's . Our first one is in June in Coeur d'Alene  ID. So I've been busy designing new walking t-shirts for this year. I invite you to come to my Zazzle store and check out the collection. Be Inspired, !jean

500 Mile Journey

500 Mile Journey As the snow begins to melt and the Spring sun comes out Kerry and I are back to training for this years 5k races.  Our first race will be in Idaho Falls the end of April.  Paces for Payton This is the very first race I walked after my knee surgery. Back then I signed up for the 1 mile and believe me I felt very accomplished to walk the 1 mile.  Years later Kerry and I have signed up and walked nearly 10 races.  We usually do 3-5 each year and they are mostly destination events for us. That way we have a little vacation and help the community too.  I have designed Walking Journey T-Shirts to help me stay motivated.  Please visit my online store.  Both women and men shirts  Be Inspired, ~jean 

Idaho farm land, road trip

Happy Fall Everyone. While we are now traveling a bit, we are still walking some. Kayaking season is over for us now, summer is behind us. I will be back to update our miles, we have not stopped. Be Inspired, ~Kerry and Jean


I love this new series. It's a great hobby to share with your family.

500 mile Journey~Redwoods

500 Mile  Journey with  Kerry and Jean  Let's Get Walking!  Part of the Journey for us is traveling to new places. Wherever the destination is we will be walking!  We walked through the Van Damme State Park, Redwoods.  This was our first walk in the redwoods.  We were so impressed with the tall trees, of course,  but look how green the plants are.  So many plants, so many different colors of green.  I felt like this could have been one of the most healing walks we've been on.  The trails on this walk were well maintained and easy to walk. The Fern Canyon Trail is a 7.7 mile moderately trafficked loop trail located near Little River, Ca. The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, nature trips and birding . We didn't walk that far. What we did was walked 1.5 up and 1.5 back so we did our 3 miles walk. Which was plenty to get the feel of the trees and the environment. enjoy a l...

Make a wish

Make a wish in the tunnel, it's always a good idea. On our travels when went through the Carlin Tunnels. It's a little ritual of mine to make a wish when I drive through tunnels.

Van Damme State Park California

Good Morning, After the Solar Eclipse which was totally awesome. I needed some time to process what my astrological sign said was going to happen after the eclipse! Taking Two Minutes In Nature to meditate on this is always a good idea. Be Inspired, ~jean