
Showing posts from June, 2017

Two Minutes in Nature bubbling stream


500 Mile Walking Journey Summer Safety and Support Tips

Safety and comfort tips for walkers

500 Mile Walking Journey- Progress Report Week 5

500 Mile Walking Journey with  Kerry and Jean  Let's Get Walking!  Progress Report Time It's Sunday Morning.  It's official  Summer's here.  Today we walked up to our little market and got coffee and donuts.  We're trying to see if we can add miles by going to different places each day, just to mixed it up a bit.  However, we are finding that the most fun and interesting daily walk is around the  Spring Creek Marina with the birds migrating.  If you are just joining us this week,  we have just completed our second milestone of walking 50 Miles.  Here is our celebration. We celebrated with our daughter, Sarah and our grandson James for a hike and picnic in the Ruby Mountains of Nevada.  Now that we are retired, and have all the time in the world, we thought we would walk, hike, and spe...

500 Mile Walking Journey, 50 mile milestone celebration

500 Mile Walking Journey with Kerry and Jean  Let's get walking!! We are celebrating our 50 Miles of walking!! We made our second milestone of walking 50 miles. Here's our song We cerebrated our 50 miles with our daughter Sarah and our grandson James.  We started the day by hiking a short 1/2 trail at Hanging Valley in Lamoille, Nv.   and then on to lunch at the Power House picnic area.  Medals Kerry medal says," All Glory Comes From Daring To Begin." Eugen Ware  Jean's medal says, " Nothing is worth more than this day." Jahann Woldfang Von Goethe This was a meaningful milestone since although there was no doubt that we would get here, it was just a matter of when.  Between resting, company, and weather, my motivation was going down.  Dessert by the miles  Enjoy the Hanging Valley with us Ne...

500 Mile Walking Journey.....50 mile Milestone

500 Mile Walking Journey with Kerry and Jean  Let's get walking!! We made it!! 50 Mile milestone We have come to our next milestone, and it's time to celebrate!!   We knew we would get there, it was just a matter of when.  I took a week off to rest my knee, than we had company.... it stormed, then it got hot.... the truth is sometimes I don't want to walk!! Oh, yes it happens.  I just kept saying to myself, " T his is not a sprint, it's a marathon.".  It's not about how fast we do the walks, it's the journey.   We walked around the Spring Creek Marina this morning, and what a surprise we found.  Two Minutes In Nature with a pelican. Tomorrow we plan on going up the canyon  with Sarah and James  so they can   celebrate with us.  Be Inspired, Kerry and Jean 

500 Mile Walking Journey-Lamoille Glaciers

500 Mile Walking Journey with Kerry and Jean  Hello from Kerry Hello from Jean  We are so close to our 50 miles!!! But not today! Today we went for a hike up the Lamoille Canyon in Nevada.  We had to get out early in the day  because today we had a   weather alert   about thunderer storms for this afternoon.  Today's hike was all about  flowers and waterfalls. We tracked 1.9 miles today and will have less then a mile for tomorrows goal. Our second goal is walking 50 miles on this journey. Yes come back for our 50 mile celebration,  you wont want to miss where we go tomorrow. Kerry  took this time to explain about glaciers in this area. Here is Kerry's  Geology Lesson  for today. We would like to hear about your adventures if you are on a walking journey. Subscribe, like and share this blog with others.  Let's Ge...

500 Mile Walking Journal -Progress Report week 4

500 Mile Walking Journey with  Kerry and Jean  Let's Get Walking! Kerry and Jean with their Teton 5k medals It's Progress Report Time After returning from our 5k in Rexburg last week,  we spent the next week preparing for company. We went to the California Trail Center. We walked around their outdoor exhibits,  inside the museum. Kerry and I checked out a dirt trail we will be doing in the future. This week we only managed one walk around the Spring Creek Marina.  Kerry's new trash picker upper has come in, he now picks up trash on our walks.  It's amazing how much trash he picks up everyday!! Kerry with his trash picker upper and Charlie dog. We are so close to our 50 mile goal. Where would we be if we were doing the  Camino de Santiago walk in Spain.  If I were to walk this path, I would start in France, and do the French Way. Here i...

Two Minutes in Nature Power House Stream


Two minutes in nature


Progress Report Time

500 Mile Walking Journey with  Kerry and Jean  Let's Get Walking! Kerry and Jean with our medals. Teton Dam 5k It's progress report time.  We took a little vacation to Idaho Falls, visit our son.  It's spring in Idaho. We walked around the river by Idaho Falls everyday. Plus, we did a 5k at Rexbury for the commemoration of the 41 years agp of the Teton dam flood. But the most fun was going to the zoo!! It's harder to get all the miles in when your traveling because some days are travel car days.  I'm taking a few days off this week to recover from the race.  I have to do that every now and then.  My knees need a little down time with ice, heat, and rest.  But after this week we will be back at it.  Out temperatures are dropping a...

Teton Dam 5K

  500 Mile Walking Journey with  Kerry and Jean Let's Get Walking! Kerry and Jean with their Teton 5K medals. Welcome Back! Kerry and I just got back from doing the Teton 5K in Rexbury, Id. . What a wonderful day we had.  They were commemorating 41 years of the Teton Dam's flood.    We went early in the morning, our race started at 8:30.  Teton 5K video at the race. Kerry and I started doing 5K's as a way for me to recover from knee surgery. Walking is good physical therapy, plus I like to have goals.  We started looking around the community for 5K's . It's a good way to give back to local towns doing fundraisers, plus we get the health benefits of walking.  After doing a few close to home, we started to venture out  looking for 5K's where we planned to travel.  This is the site I use to find 5K's for when we travel.  http://www.runningint...

African Loins at the Idaho Falls Zoo

500 Mile Walking Journey with Kerry and Jean  Let's Get Walking! This week we went to a ZOO to walk. We visited the Idaho Falls Zoo with our son Matthew.  When your a walker and your goal is to walk 500 miles in half a year, you count every step.  While we walked all around this zoo and spent almost 2 hours there  our miles only came to .64.  So, we had to do another walk around the river after dinner.  Enjoy our trip to the zoo.  We must have spent 30 minutes watching the loins.  We got there early in the morning while they were still active. 

Two minutes in nature

Take two minutes to listen to the sounds of the Idaho Falls. Relax