500 Mile Walking Journey - Progress Report Week 7

500 Mile Walking Journey
Kerry and Jean 
Let's Get Walking! 
Progress Report Week 7
It has been so hot here with lots of fires to the West and East of us.
The air has been hot and heavy with smoke.
We went up to Twin Falls thinking 
we would do some hiking by the canyon ridge, but it was 100 degrees there too!
We have not walked much since 4th of July.
We did celebrate our 75 miles walking doing the Freedom Run 5K .

Freedom Run 5K

 Here are some of the fireworks


Progress Report:
Miles Walked: 80.5
Miles to reach 500 goal: 419.5
Getting closer each week,
our next milestone is at 100 miles 

It's especially important to drink lots of water when your walking in this summer heat. 
Tip, you can freeze one of your water bottles the night before, it will defrost as you walk giving you a refreshing cold water drink during your walk. 
Be inspired, Be safe, and 
Let's get walking.
Kerry and Jean  


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