500 Mile Walking Journey

500 Mile Walking Journey
Kerry and Jean 
Let's Get Walking! 
We're back to walking today!!
Finally the temperatures came down 
into the 60's this morning. 
It's was great to have a few days of rest. 
But it felt even better to get walking again. 
This morning when we saw that the temps were going to be lower 
 before 7 a.m.  we both quickly put our walking shoes on and jumped at the chance to walk. 
I've been asked how do we know how many miles we walk each day?
It's been made pretty easy to figure out with cell phones and GPS's. 
I use a app on my phone called 
Map My Walk.
It can literally map out the route we take.
It records the miles we walk, duration, avg pace min per miles, calories and steps, along with elevation. 
It will analyze your work out for you. 
I save them and then at the end of the week it will total our miles. 
We have only had problems with it when we are hiking in canyons and the GPS can't find us. 
It's a great tool and I do recommend it. 
Here's example of today's walk :
3.3 distance, miles
1.08:48 duration, time
20:45 ave pace, min/miles
608 calories
7794 steps
68 elev gain.
Every step counts and miles just start adding up. 
For us, only the miles we walk together count for the 
500 Mile Walking Journey. 
Our second home base walk

We're planning a field trip for tomorrow. 
Be inspired, Be safe and 
Let's Get Walking 
Kerry and Jean 


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